BELGIUM * Activity calendar

December festivity and decorations







Festivity and decoration


Our Calendar

This was the calendar I made with my children. Two month's on one page.  Also a photo of the children who's their birthday are on the page. 

 1. The cover page with best wishes.

 2. January and February

3. March and April

4. May and June

5. July and August

6. September and October

7. November and December

Every page is decorated with a different plastic technique and  presents a typical scene of the two month's!

Festive Decorations 

Here you have some Christmas decorations we made by the children.

Made by tree year old children. We used different techniques for the star and X-mas balls!


Made by children from 5 years old: White X-mas tree: made by long and short strips



( Mathematics: --> start with long stripes and shorter and shorter, the shortest on the top)of white mousse, put on a (shish) kebab wooden stick alternate by little x-mas balls made by clay, painted in different colours.

4. "Heart of peace".


Made by 5 years old children.   

Cut hearts, X-mas-balls and stars, decorate them with tinsel-paint!  We also glue little peaces of different coloured green paper. 


You can hang up the heart at the inside of a door!

5: Made by children from 5 years old:  use metal jar of tea-light candles.  Put different collors of paper in it (more green) stick them on a good and nice quality of paper, in a form of a X-mas three (mathematics: --> counting: 4, 3, 2, 1)

Our New Year Letters

Here are the New Year letters that children have made for their parents. 

They have to learn a poem, also on the level of their age! 

On the first of January the parents expect from their children that they 'read' their letter before them!


This one  is from the children from 2 1/2 to 3 years old:



The poem at the back of the card says:

"Dearest mummy, dearest daddy,

With my arms wide open, I'm running to you

A kiss here, a kiss there

A Happy New Year,

Your little sweetheart,

(name of the child)

Ronse, 1 january 2004"

This is made by the 4 years old children.

And this is their poem:

"Dearest mummy, dearest daddy,

Here I am again like last year,

with my best wishes

I'm to little to say much,

but I can't let it go at that

To wish you like an adult a

Very Happy New year

Your sweetheart, (name of the chirld)

Ronse, 1 january 2004"



This little house is from the  5 years old children.

When you open the door you can read the poem:

" 1,2,3,4,5,6,7! I'm ready, I'm ready

I like to read you a little letter, for the new year.

Sometimes I am a little rascal,

for a moment, for a moment !

Still, I like to give you a little kiss for the new year!

I wish to all sweet people a year of peace, a year of peace...

Live happy and contented in the new year!

Your sweetheart, (name of the chirld)

Ronse, 1 january 2004"

The Festivity



1 and 2: decoration of a cake with butter and coloured chocolate balls!

3: eating the cake with all the children of our little school at the hall!

Father Chrristmas visited us and brought lots of presents!

(Every family buys something for their own children, they give them   to the teachers who pass them secretly to Father Christmas!